Useful C++11 features Jan 26, 2021 The following are some features that added to the C++11 standard and are useful in programming. auto range based for loop lambda trailing return type decltype override final auto At the compile-time type of variable is deduced from the initializer. There is no need to declare the type of variable. In following example vector<int>::iterator is replaced with auto. #include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std; double add(int a, int b) { double c = a + b; return c; } int main() { vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; auto a = 1; // type of a is int auto b = 1. ...
Arduino Bootloader May 25, 2020 Introduction This article is going to explain what happens behind the scene when the upload button is pressed in Arduino IDE. Arduino Bootloader For programming Arduino require only PC, serial connector, no other special programmer is required. This is possible because of a small program called a bootloader. It will help to program microcontrollers without any external programmer. Bootloader requires some space in program memory due to which available memory for the program gets reduced. ...
OpenCV3 C++ Quick Setup Mar 2, 2019 Introduction This is quick setup for setting up OpenCV3 64 bit version on Windows system for C++. I tested this setup for OpenCV3 on Windows 10 64 bit with Visual Studio 2017 Community edition. It can also work on other Visual Studio editions. This setup includes debug and release build for 64 bit only. You will be able to make new OpenCV3 C++ project with one click instead of configuring new project each time with this setup. ...